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Langley Murder Mystery Weekend
Location: Langley It’s back! Langley Murder Mystery Weekend, an island favorite, is back. And this year it celebrates its 40th anniversary! Langley is again requesting amateur sleuths to come to town on February 22 and 23 to help local detective I.B. Fuzz solve these missing person cases and any murders which may reveal themselves that weekend. ...
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Penn Cove MusselFest
Location: Coupeville. Each year, area restaurants compete to serve the best chowder, and those who buy tasting tickets get the chance to vote. There are also mussel cooking demonstrations by both local and regional chefs. There are beer gardens with live music and plenty of shopping in downtown Coupeville. Buy a ticket and take a ...
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Penn Cove Water Festival
Location: Coupeville Enjoy this FREE family festival celebrating the Pacific Northwest Native culture. The festival features canoe races, music and dance entertainment, storytelling, and arts and crafts vendors. There are also educational displays by other non-profits exhibiting ways we can appreciate and protect the local environment. For more information visit: penncovewaterfestival.com
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